Monday, July 1, 2013


She: Enoch cried from 2-5 in the morning all the way from 2-4 months

Me: You might disagree, but I'm pretty sure it was only a few times that he did that, not consistently.

She: (in an angry voice) How would you know that? I was the one who took care of the baby. You never woke up. You slept through everything. You never even knew I called the ER. You don't remember a lot of things. It makes me offended when you say that when I did so much work.

Me: Sorry, I didn't want to start a fight.

I couldn't tell her that I was there when she called the ER, that I distinctly remember waking up with her one night when Enoch wouldn't stop crying, that I remember her freaking out and calling the ER, and even that I didn't think it was necessary at the time that she call the ER. I also didn't tell her that there is no way Enoch could possibly cry for 3 hours in the morning and me not know it, and me sleep through all of it. I couldn't tell her that every time one of our newborns cries for more than a minute or 2 in the morning, it does indeed wake me up, but I go back to sleep when there's nothing I can do.

I can't tell her any of these things...! She's angry now and saying anything would just make it worse.